Companies Recession Unleashed America’s Entrepreneurial Energy

17-05-20 and get business training.“You have to have your heart in it. I am tired, but also happy with what I...

Governing People with Kindness and Virtue, Expressing the Demeanor of a Benevolent King

17-05-18 entertainment. The people will be delighted to work. If you do not wish to casually order the people to work on...

川普:中美达成〝惊人协议〞 未来一两月有大事发生

17-05-16 I’d like to see it quick)〞。此外,川普在采访后半部就朝鲜问题表示,〝虽然现在不能说,但我们有一些非常棒的想法〞,也显得耐人寻味。而川普在接受5月12日播出的NBC广播采访时...

  One’s Fortune Changes Following a Change of Heart

17-05-16 your bad thoughts have been recorded, and the punishment from heaven will become worse and worse. You...


17-05-12 (wishes you the best of success for new year 2017” 。 几年前她曾在塞舌尓首都维多利亚举办过世界和平书画巡展,当时就得到丹尼•福雷的接见与赞赏。后来,2016年...

  Abiding by Heavenly Principles Leads to Peace and Harmony

17-05-06 heavenly principles are followed, the country will be at peace and the people will live in harmony. When...

Chinese Filmmaker: Life in China is More Brutal Than Any Screenwriter’s Imagination

17-05-06 shocking and heartbreaking.In 2011, I resigned from my boring work unit and was ready to join the film and...

Talented Officials are More Valuable than Auspicious Omens

17-05-06 event." Taizong said, "I often laughed at the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, who did not pay attention...

Ancient Stories of How Virtuous Mothers Educated Their Children

17-05-06 man will repel bad thoughts and reject bribes. You carry the responsibility of the state's...


17-05-02 事件需要报案,但不会讲英语怎么办?答:打911,然后讲”I speak Chinese”,911会把你转到翻译的接线人,询问你发生的事情。然后她会告诉哪个分局(如109分局)会派人去现场处理这个案子...

Heaven Will Reward the Virtuous

17-05-01 Heaven Will Reward the Virtuous Hong Mai (1123 – 1202 AD) was a well-known writer in China's...

Fidel’s Cuba Leaves Indelible Scars

17-05-01 said. “I believe that’s the most harmful part of communism—the lack of trust. Because you always feel...

  Correcting One's Wrongdoings Changes One's Fate

17-05-01 this, you will build virtues in the future and receive many rewards. I hope you can be strict with...

大陆手机无隐私 政府可完全监控

17-04-24 ,Big brother is watching you!红尘逆流_78897:现在是个网站、是个应用软件,都TM有权要求你的身份信息。然后,刚上大量信息卖买,谁TM都不负责。贾新超:尤其是作为前百度外卖...

Selflessly Serve the Public, Respect Virtue and Love the People

17-04-24 Court, another official asked Zhao, "Fan is always opposing you. Why did you speak in his favor...

Sacking of Chinese Insurance Regulator Foretells Further Financial House Cleaning

17-04-24 activities. Xiang stated that the CIRC “will punish top executives and revoke their licenses, and definitely...

“A Clear Mirror Hangs up High”

17-04-24 'mirror' meeting today," Taizong continued, "I will rename this Yongan Palace the...


17-04-22 是4月29日10:00am -16:00pm,地点在马里兰州Bethesda/Rockville 的Cabin John公园里的太极广场举行。活动包括联谊、太极气功表演、太极论坛和野餐。太极论坛将在附近I...

Chinese Art Treasure at the Met: Emperor Xiaowen and His Court

19-01-30 art, you can see an intricate limestone relief that measures about 12 feet across. Titled Emperor...

希拉里被曝输不起 奥巴马频频致电施压也无效

17-04-18 回应奥巴马:〝总统先生,对不起!〞(Mr. President, I’m sorry.)直到第二天中午,希拉里终于愿意面对公众,在克林顿的陪同下,发表了败选演讲。希拉里被曝光,败选后不接受失败。图为...

Assist the Poor and Serve Those in Need with Kindness

17-04-18 flexible, you will regret it in the future." Diwu said, "Kindness and virtue are what I live for....

Positives for Trump, Xi After US–China Meeting

17-04-18 enthused about their newfound rapport.“The relationship developed by President Xi and myself I think is...

Moral Character Is the Number One Consideration in Recommending People

17-04-18 so many wrong things and offended you. I will learn from you and try to elevate my moral character...

A Man of Virtue Treasures Time Like Gold

17-04-12 come again as sure as the morning of a day will not reappear that day. I advise you to treasure time...

Auto Loan Market Fears Mounting Subprime delinquency rates approach peak crisis levels

17-04-12 recovery assumption does not apply to auto loans, because a car is almost always a rapidly depreciating...

The Significance of the Color Yellow in Traditional Chinese Culture

17-04-10 green-colored bricks and tiles. If you climb up to the top of Jingshan in Beijing and overlook the forbidden...


17-04-10 都只是细节。”(原文:I want to know God's thoughts;the rest are details.)佛家讲人的元神不灭,讲生命在业力轮报中轮回,讲善恶有报是恒定的道理...

硬派越野之典范 2017 ALL-NEW DISCOVERY

17-04-09 Discovery Sport also stands out from its rivals with a third-row seat for those times when you have a couple...


17-04-07 军队,专门处理各类海事执法宜(职权涵盖12哩领海及国际水域)及执行联邦管制规定、地位特殊。海岸警卫队的格言为Always Ready寓意“随时待命”。和平时期部队受国土安全部管辖、如有战争总统可下令移交...


17-04-07 《遗愿清单》(The Bucket List)、《赌城大丈夫》(Last Begas);并跟迈克尔•凯恩在《出神入化》(Now You See Me)交手过,本次再加入亚伦阿金形成全新组合。     时间...

  Governing a Country with Virtue and Appointing Officials Based on Virtue

17-04-02 from the treasures you have. I have an official named Tan Zi. I have him govern Gaotang, so the Zhao...

Chinese Factional Interests Collide in Hong Kong Leadership Election

17-04-02 former British colony’s return to China in 1997. Beijing, however, has always seen its anointed candidate...

  Making Oneself the Experimental Subject for the Sake of Others

17-04-02 , "Can I still be considered an official when I can't relieve my citizens' suffering?"...

“跑车”SUV中的王者 2017 Range Rover EVOQUE

17-04-01 an energetic partner for driving, whether you’re on the way to the opera or just going to work.  Just...


17-03-24 以专。With no education,There'd be aberration.To teach well,You deeply dwell.释义:如果从小不好好教育,善良的本性就会变坏...

  A Nun Guides a Donation

17-03-25 bolt of cloth, and since you gave it to me, I will take it. Thank you very much. It is already...

A Chinese Entrepreneur’s Plea for Rationality

17-03-25 between Japan and China. As a diplomat, he actively helped China attract Japanese investment. I met him at...

The Resonance of Music

17-03-25 , I will continue to hesitate to touch the strings. Master, please give me more time and see if I can...

Masters of Disguise:Best Hidden Bars and Restaurants in New York City

17-03-24 looks like a pawn shop. But walk through the pawn shop, and you will find an opulent dining room that...

让未来提前到来 2017 New Tesla Model X

17-03-19 interior storage space. Carry all the people, baggage, bikes, strollers, and groceries you can manage....